If you have the time, and can handle looking at cadavers, go and see Bodies Revealed.
It is truly amazing. I was a little concerned at first because I was bringing along my daughter, who wanted to go to get extra credit for Science class. I wasn't sure how she would handle it, and given that she wants to be a doctor, I didn't want to freak her out and ruin my chances of medical care for life, but she handled it like a champ. She will be a great doctor. Didn't freak at all.
I have always been amazed at the complexity and synergy of the human body and all it's systems. This exhibit shows all the systems- sometimes integrated, and sometimes stand alone. The most amazing display was of the circulatory system. An entire circulatory system laid out where it would be- alone in space encased in clear resin. All the arteries, veins, and so on down to the fine capillaries, all suspended in space as in a transparent body. Surreal.
There are some drawbacks to the whole experience. For one, I have had the whole BBQ rib experience ruined. I don't think I can look at a rack of ribs without thinking "where's the lungs?". Nor will I able to eat beef jerkey again. Too similar to the "exploded views" presented to show the shoulder joint and how the muscles interact with the bones.
But man, are we amazing beings, or what?