I took this from the chairlift. The snowboarder is one of mine. Believe it or not, the redhead is lapping me! I am trying in vain to keep up with him, but he has no respect for my constant cries of "slow down!" and "Carve a little bit". This is the kid who has broken his arm SIX times. I posted a pic of him with all his casts a while back, so I am not making it up. He does not turn. He justs points himself down the hill and takes off. I can't catch him. Thank god there aren't many people on the slopes, or he would be picking off people right and left. He did take out a fellow snowboarder on his first run- he just tucked into a ball and took the dude out at the knees. From behind. The kid's face was priceless! He was cruising along all hot stuff, and then he is looking at the sky!