Monday, March 09, 2009


And the lake's pretty too. This weekend was the first time in 17 years that we have been able to ski together without any kids in tow. The twins were off boarding together, the youngest was in board school, and we were free. FREE! We did the back side of Northstar, and we had a blast while doing it. I almost forgot what it was like. I skied the first day and boarded the second.

I am on 800mg of Ibuprofen, and that is enabling me to walk around today. I hope the pain subsides soon. The warning label on the bottle says I can't keep taking these high doses for extended periods of time.

We put a man on the moon; why can't we take the pain out of snowboarding?

"Joey took my eye and stuck it to the ceiling!"

A lot of strange things have been yelled in our house, but this wins. I was reasonably confident it wasn't literally true, but given the amount of screaming coming from the youngest's bedroom I figured I would run as fast as I could....just in case. It turns out that the eye in question was one of those sticky gooey things, and it was indeed stuck to the ceiling. Joe was indeed the stealer/sticker. My first response was "don't stick other people's eyes onto the ceiling!" I quickly amended it to "Don't steal your brother's eye!" I still don't think either statement really addresses the whole issue. but I have other issues that must be dealt with right now.

First and foremost, I have to get the thing down. It creeps me out. And the little guy gets a big kick out of yelling "I see you!" when I go into his room and he isn't in there.