Gotta love Fry's Electronics. Where else in the world can you get a combo like this? Not even Costco has these two items; I checked. I know, sad, but hey.... Speaking of love, who doesn't love the advances in storage? A Terabyte! For less than 90 bucks. I remember not too long ago you had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get that kind of storage. And that was for NAS. Not all sitting by my feet. Warms the heart. I am feeling too good about it all to go into a rant about how much storage there really is on the " 1 TB" drive (the discrepancy is more than my five year old laptop had in total). At these prices I don't really care. Besides, if I get really torqued, there's always the shotgun. Just have to pry it from my son's hands.
Fun fact: Dogs learn the meaning of sounds quickly. Be it the sound of the dog food bag being opened, or the toilet seat being lifted, or whatever else interests them. Add the sound of an Airsoft shotgun being racked. They now know that it's time for them to hide out under the bed. Not that he shoots them. but the whizzing and the plinking of the pellets makes them nervous. But not me; I am wearing eye protection. And I have a machine gun. Take that!