Monday, June 26, 2006

Talk about ruining the moment....

I had one of those great parent moments yesterday. It didn't last long, but man it was great.

It has been HOT lately, and yeaterday it was 108. I did what any sane guy does in that kind of heat- crank the AC and lie down and take a nap. My middle boy, who *sometimes* has a great deal of sense, decided to take a nap also. It was one of those lazy, lie down and snuggle with dad kind of moments. The little guy snuggled into my side, and I flopped my hand on his face. I was reminicing about when he was a baby and I would glide my fingers over his face and marvel at his rapt attention and delight, only at this age he tends to push my hand away. Not today- he guided my fingers across his nose and cheeks and over his forhead, and then poked and prodded my fingers with his. I was thinking how I was going to miss these times with him as he grows up, and I drew my hand from his and held it in front of my face. There, on the tip of my fingers, were little reminders of who he is- little bits of his childhood that will always remind me of him.
