Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Father's Flag

I received a flag from the VA this week for my father, who passed away in March. Up to this point I had not shed a tear at his passing. I guess I am one of the fortunate ones, but his passing did not leave any unresolved issues between us. I was the wild one in the family, but I got straight with him before he passed. When I opened the box, reality set in. I had myself a good cry. I took out his papers and looked at his service record. He served in the Pacific in WWII. The names of the places read like a history lesson. He was a private; an infantryman. He was one of the kids who, when the landing craft hit the shore, would charge out onto the beach. I never really connected the calm quiet man who I knew with the guys you see in the movie out now. But that was him. He rarely talked about his wartime experience, but he was there on that island and from what I have heard it was much like it is portrayed in the movie. I cannot fathom what it must have been like. He described times where everyone around him was killed- he still remembered their names. No wonder he was so calm and focused in the face of all the adversity he experienced while I was growing up.

We all owe those men all that we have. Everything. There isn't much more that can be said.