Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ground Hog Day

We got another one of those great calls from school. The Joester broke his arm again. Actually, I should rename this post "Flying Squirrel Day" because one of the previous events involved an attempt to imitate a flying squirrel. Unsuccessfully.

So once again, we spent a 6 hour stint in the emergency room. Fortunately, we have friends there because of all the time we spend there. One of the advantages of having a bunch of boys is that you get to know the people in the ER. It gets you the good meds. Man, I need some good meds. But that's another story.

I love the questions they ask. "How did this happen?". "I'm a kid. These things just happen".
My son, Plato (or, more appropriately, Playdoe). The proper question should be "How did this happen again?".

Clearly, the flying squirrel thing is a myth. I think the guys at myth busters should do an episode.

Since he had not eaten since breakfast, we took him out to eat at 8:30 when we got out of the ER. His choice, since he was the injured party. Anywhere. Where did we go you ask? Osaka Sushi. That's right. 45 bucks of raw fish. I didn't know squirrels ate sushi. Maybe just the flying ones.