Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A little mini vacation for me....

I indulged myself a bit the last two days. I took two days off of work. We didn't go anywhere, the kids weren't off school, there was no event that required time off. I took time to relax while the kids were at school and the house was quiet. I got some things done that needed to be done- clean the pool filters, clean the spa, trim bushes and plants, dig post holes for a gate that needs to be moved by the addition, finish the hardwood floors, put down pads and rugs, etc. The kinds of things that don't take a long time, but are hard to get done when the kids are around and the family activities are making their time demands. It felt good. I was reminded of the great lazy days of early marriage where there was peace and quiet in the house, when I could go and do whatever I wanted.

OK buddy, snap out of it.

I don't mean to sound like I don't love my life as it is now. I live my life with intention. All that I have and all that I do are by choice. I have exactly what I want, and I am free to change things when I want; hence the little break for daddy. Even designers enjoy a lazy boy recliner.
Even chefs indulge in a big mac and fries.

It's all good.

And to top it off- Pat had a great game yesterday. Joe did well too, but Pat hit a double, scored two runs, and had a session as catcher (with the sun in his eyes from the sun setting right over the pitcher's head, no less) where only two pitches got by him. Even he was proud of himself, and he NEVER brags or hardly even mentions his performance. It was one of those times I will remember when I am old.