That, my friends, is an electric fully automatic airsoft machine gun. It is probably the best 17.50 I have ever spent (except for the round of drinks that night at the Oasis, when I impressed a then to be future wife I had just met). It is just what every boy wants. It shoots like a madman. It has a clip that holds 250 pellets. That's right boys, no fumbling around to get the friggin pellets into the breech. (especially since I have twins, so I had to arm both of them equally- cold war child, you know) . The dog turns tail and heads for cover when these bad boys come out. Fact: airsoft pellets will shatter the glass in mom's beautiful Calypso lanterns. Fact: Calypso lanterns make a distinct sound when you mow 'em down with a machine gun. Fact: Moms HATE machine guns.
Fact: Dad plays with the guns when the kids are asleep.