Friday, October 12, 2007

Props to the old man

My mother gave me a copy of my father's resume from 1968 when he was impacted by a layoff.
She wanted me to have a copy of a good resume for me to model mine after. Times have changed- resumes look much different today, but it was an interesting look into the work that my father did.

He never talked much about his work, and now I know why. He held top secret clearance and worked on all sorts of missile, satellite and astronautics programs. Facinating reading. Later in his career he worked on disk drive systems and engineering management, but the early stuff reads like a cold war biography- Minuteman, Advent, Syncom, Intelsat III. Did you know the US put effort into protecting our Apollo spacecraft from nuclear blasts? Talk about paranoid. Protect the people on earth first.

He wrote and presented papers all over the world, and even wrote textbooks. I hope when my wife hands my son my resume he is equally impressed. Puts pressure on the next job to have relevance...