Monday, February 04, 2008


Perhaps I did not make myself clear: "DO NOT JUMP FROM THINGS ONTO OTHER THINGS!". I don't think that is difficult to understand, even for a 10 yr old. Anything that is not a person is a thing. Do not jump from things (or people, but that is a whole different lecture, and don't think for a minute we have not had that conversation either....).

This makes seven. You read that right. SEVEN. Three more and we get one free (kidding- nothing is free in the medical world.....). I just can't believe that he did it again. I know it hurts- he had to get a morphine drip the night it happened- and the pain would be a deterrent for me, so why does he do it?

To complete the picture, let me tell you that baseball tryouts were the following day. He still went- wouldn't dream of missing that- and did pretty good considering his throwing arm was in a cast. His throws looked more like grenade tosses than anything else, but you gotta give him credit for trying. The little league folks were concerned- they didn't want to let him try out because he might hurt himself.

We are way past that point. To get where we are now you have to go past that, drive all night, and when the sun is high in the sky, you will be where we are now.

So where's my drip?