I want to rescind my vasectomy. That's right. I "retired" a bit too early, and I think I have some game left. I certainly can start again around here. Hey, there's no "heir apparent" or anything like that. So why not? Let me outline the options.
Like Brett, the coach around here would have to decide what to do with me. I could show up "ready to play" so to speak, and force a decision. But the options are fewer, and in some ways, more severe.
Like the Packers, the wife would have to decide to play me, trade me, or release me. We are not into "trades" so that's out. A release would be extreme, even around here. So I would get to play. OR, OR, she could threaten to do what the Packers have threatened to do to Brett: Individual drills, all season long. We all know what that means in the context of my situation. I can hear it now... "Don't even come near me with that thing! Off in the corner, honey" Not what I was thinking. Gotta read the fine print.
And there's the process itself. Not appealing. I had a friend undergo it and he ended up with a couple months of the wrong equipment in the bag (swollen to baseballs, rather than, well, you know). Or so I heard- I didn't have any interest in verifying.