Were you ever part of something, and right then in the moment think "this is just not happening?" I have to admit, it happens to me more than it should, but the one yesterday was exceptional, even for a family that has these moments often.
We all know how elevators work. It's not rocket science. Bear that in mind when you read this.
The elevator doors open. No one comes out, so we can all pile in. there are five of us, and we all have a suitcase or something in our hands (or pulling along, etc). We all advance in unison directly toward the opening. We all crash into each other, shoulder to shoulder, forming a semi circle around the door. We all relax and take a half step back, followed by another attempt to step into the elevator. In unison. Again. We all squish ourselves into the exact same semi circle. We all relax and take a half step back. Then, as if we were one mind (probably totaling one between the five of us....) we all step forward again. Experience tells us that we will not make it again, so everyone lunges at the same time. A collective ooof! rises from the group as we compress into our little semi circle. We are all frozen for a second, and then the elevator doors slowly slide closed, as if to say "I don't have time for this~ you are all too stupid to ride. Take the stairs."
Dissed by an elevator.
We all slowly relax and then start laughing. To the untrained eye, we are a bunch of imbeciles; but to the trained Psychologist, we are a case study. Probably a best selling book.
When the elevator doors opened again, I lunged as quick as I could.
Just like everyone else in the family.
History repeats itself.