I said it with a straight face. Seriously. And sternly. STERNLY.
That said, I have to face the fact that I am sending two battered boys to school today- they beat the snot out of each other, and I wasn't there to stop them. I think they were expecting me to break them up, but I was busy holding up the boxes that would have crushed me had I refocused on them. Too bad. When I resolved the box issue and got back to dealing with them they ramped up their battle- leading me to think that they didn't really want to fight (or at least not ferrociously) but were puting on a show for my benefit. Imagine living IN THE CAGE with two UFC fighters; that's what it's like for us. A family of six, locked in a cage with two of the family members locked in mortal combat.
They aren't even out the door yet and the battle is on again.
Perhaps some basic training (to learn to wait for the bell) so that they don't loose points in fights that go to the judge's decision. Parenting!