I don't know much about anything, but knowledge does not seem to be the driver of content on the web, so I should do fine. Opinions matter. It seems that few people have them, or perhaps do but are unwilling to share. "don't make waves". Non moi. Hmm...I have this sudden urge to surrender. OK. No more french jokes.
I am a prototype for the white male. I am middle aged, but not a boomer or an Xer, I am married (happily, so that may put me out on the nose of the curve), have FOUR kids (great source of stories, and an endless pit into which I shovel money), and have a job in corporate america.
That said, I am NOT a prototype for the white male. I went to Art school (I am an Industrial Designer), I go to church, but have a distinct distain for the "moral" majority, christian right (both are neither, BTW), spend less than I earn, save for college for my kids, expect them to earn, not receive, volunteer a lot (Soccer coach, baseball coach, cub scout leader, umpire, etc.), and try to do rather than say.
I don't have anything in particluar to say right now, because I am itchy and need to shower.