This word applies to me a couple of ways. I made a commitment to blog daily when I started. But, of course, shit happens. My father died. I helped my mother fix the house up so she could sell. I am adding on to my house so she has a place to live with us ( a whole treatise could be written on commitment, or the lack thereof, of "contractors", but I digress...). I commit to my kids. I coach, I do homework ( sometimes it's just easier on everyone if I "help" a bit more than the situation requires...), I participate in the four little lives I have under my care. They will of course, be responsible for their own therapy bills, but again, another subject. I committed to my wife- again, whole different subject. I commit to my job. That is where I am today. I have been thinking about my job, and all the hats I wear, and who do I model because frankly, I am not feeling too successful. I was looking around racking my brain and the answer was in front of me the whole time. My boss. He has more on his plate than I do (well, maybe not- his kids are grown and out of the house...) but he gets it done. In an ironic twist of fate he and I are the same- INTJs. So, being the observer in this situation I have watched what he does and how he does it and I am going to model the intent behind his actions- plan, and execute to the plan. He puts time into scheduling meetings with folks, whereas I had a tendency to make surprise calls or send probing emails. I am changing that.
Thought for the day- Plan and then commit to executing the plan. Simple.