That should be a test. Ask a guy "so, you like fire?" If he says no, then never trust a thing he says from then on. He's lying. Every guy likes fire-even if there is something horrible about it is his past- the facination persists. From the first time we see a fire engine, it's like "wow". Fire is the thing that brings guys together. Got a group of guys that can't get along? Best teambuilding exercise in the world. Go off into the wild, gather stuff up, and set it on fire. Those guys will be bonded for life. No kidding. It's like "WE rule! Yeah..huh?...ah, all that stuff we burned right there..." It's almost primeval. Men subconsciously associate fire with survival, domination, success, achievement, triumph, and a bunch of other stuff. Sharing it brings us closer. My sons and I, whenever we get to that point where we all are wierded out about family stuff, or the boys have done one of their spectacular stunts, or they have done something outstanding (the stunts I referenced are not "good things"- they involve property damage, uniformed public officials, and me apologizing and/or writing checks) we all instinctively know that we need fire. The wood pile will be scrounged through and the fire pit will be filled, and the BBQ lighter fluid can will come out and presto! Fire! Just make sure no one looses an eyebrow during the "napalm attacks" ( ...big blast of lighter fluid on an open fire- squeeze real hard. It's awesome!)
We sit and stare at it, we poke it, we toss things into it to watch them burn, and then, when the fire is dying down, all my little monkeys will climb into the lap of papa gorilla, and we sit there together in silence. That's the sound of true bonding. Silence. So calm and peaceful, with the only movement little flickers of flame; I can almost see their little heartbeats. I wouldn't trade that time for anything. Ever. There is an awesome power in silence. Too bad women don't get that- they just can't seem to shut up long enough to really feel the silence.
Fire. Silence. All that's missing is pizza and you'd be in heaven.