RRRR! I am all for Democracy, but the way we went about the current fiasco just pisses me off. What would we have thought if, instead of our founding fathers resisting the British, the French invaded and handed us their version of Democracy and then occupied us until we adopted it? There would still be French troops in Texas, for sure. We would have no Alamo story to rally around (regardless of the dubious historical truth to the story in the history books)- the French would have surrendered to the Mexicans. I think we took the wrong course- clearly Cheney & Co. wanted a war (yes, George Bush is not running the country- he's too special ed to actually do the job). They just didn't want to have to pay for it. What ever happened to financing the war with Iraqi oil profits? If we have to pay for it, then at least do it in an above board manner- don't be a pussy and hide it in bills titled "Troop Protection"
I am a Republican. I am a Conservative. I am also appalled at the lack of integrity and honesty in fools we have elected. I honestly thought that we were the party of fiscal restraint. We have racked up such an incredible deficit- and oh, BTW, the war is an off the books item in budget calculations- that I don't think we will ever get out from under it. "Borrow and Spend" has me longing for the days of "Tax and Spend".
What a way to start my Friday. It can only get better from here.