Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Big Love?

Is it just me, or is the husband on the HBO show "Big Love" totally insane? I remember him as Chet from "weird Science", so I don't have much sympathy for him (I know, it's all make believe, but when a dick like Chet gets what's coming to him, even if it's pretend, I just get a warm fuzzy. Hey, I'm a child of the 80's- give me a break), but still. I mean really- three wives? What the hell is he thinking?! I can't imagine dealing with three of them. Trying to keep one happy is hard enough. I know Mormons are famous for keeping their wives under control, but it just seems to me that he is in over his head. Take up golf for crying out loud! It's only a matter of time before they figure out that they outnumber him, and then his goose is cooked. And why marry a woman who's father whacked your father? Talk about asking for trouble. Plus- he has to have like, 10 mothers-in-law. Death just can't come too soon for him. Sure, he pretends to be happy, but you know they gotta be wearing him down. You wouldn't catch me in that situation. No way. One is enough. MORE than enough.
All I wanted was a little action, and look where it got me.