Thursday, May 25, 2006

Briggs & Stratton

Thank you lawn mower guys! I am SO grateful for the previously annoying safety features you have integrated into my lawn mower. I have to say so here, because my wife would have a FIT if she ever found out (and I would have to push a hand mower. I dig old school, but there are some things that are better now than they were then). My charming boys made another attempt to get the motor off the mower and onto the go cart. As usual they had separate agendas. One was more interested in disassembly, while the other was focused on functionality. Translation: One little genius had the mower tipped on it's side and was trying to get the motor off, while the other attempted to start it by pulling the starter cord. I am mortified at the thought of what could have transpired, and I am horrified that for me, this is the best it will be on this front- they will only get more sinister and inventive, which will translate into more hazards to themselves and others.

Take me now lord. And bring my mower.