I know I said I was going to talk about the fourth. I will, but this was pretty good also.
The twins wanted to have an ice skating party for their 9th birthday. Hey, I'm game. They do all the work (the rink, not the boys) - feed the kids, give them punch, do the cake, and even write down the names for who gave what for the cards. That part the boys don't like. I am making them write thank you cards to everyone- not just thanks, but a personal note. Told them it was to keep their writing skills up over the summer. Pat did the Quasimodo "hunch over, drag the foot and act like an idiot" thing to emphasize that those skills had already gone by the wayside. Not fooling me.
Anyway, out onto the ice. All sorts of funny things. 13 yr old girl trying to look all abercrombie while trying to skate ends up pulling her best friend down as well as herself. Got a great video of her crashing into the glass and disappearing with that oh so shocked look on her face. Mental note- show it to the boyfriend. She (they) also played a pair of google eyed boys into buying them sodas and snacks. Show THAT to the boyfriend.
Back to the boys. They just had a ball. Pat took to the ice easily after a pair of flops, and Joe is such an incredibly limber monkey that he was able to execute incredible maneuvers without dumping. Some on tape, some not. The little guy was just having a blast, but never got the glide part- kept on taking those little tiny steps in rapid succession, all the while flailing his arms and laughing. Pretty darn cute.
They both got to ride the zamboni. Pat just dug it- smiling the whole while. Joe was persistent about DRIVING the thing. Every time it would go by I could hear the operator explaining to Joe how their insurance prohibited it, or how he couldn't reach the controls, or my personal favorite "for the last time, NO!".
Joe will end up as a salesman or a politician. He has never taken no for an answer, and he just never stops talking, even when he has nothing to say. Ever.
All in all a great time, made even better by the fact that we were indoors in a chilled environment when it was 108 outside. Cool.