To live here in America. Think about it. We can't fathom the fear that pervades the rest of the world regarding security and economic opportunity. Yes, there are places even here where there is economic despair, but we also have the opportunity to take action and change our situation if we have the will. What brought this on? I had occasion to take my son to yet another doctor visit (thanks to the Open Work Practice that Sun provides for their employees). I met a nurse who left Russia to come here with NOTHING. Didn't care that there was no job or family waiting for her here. She KNEW that when she got here she could work hard and become successful. She arrived with no English skills and availed herself of public education to learn the language, get nursing training, and get ahead. She started from the bottom. Only had a desire. Try that anywhere else!
You never hear about anyone moving elsewhere for the opportunities- not if they are the downtrodden of their culture. This woman was an illiterate unemployed youth in what she described as a desolate suburb of Moscow. If she can do it, then anyone can.
And the health gives me shivers to think of the situation she described. We have it so good, and yet we complain. Snap out of it. I can live with a little extra work time, a little extra cost for my health care, a little extra inconvenience for my life, if it means my kids get access to the same opportunity she did. And my kids have far fewer disadvantages than she did- they speak the language, they "know the system", they have an economic position that puts them in position to get ahead easier. God help them if they complain. I'll ship 'em off to Moscow for the winter; see how they like their life here after that.
It was a treat for her to work with my son- her words. He has a disease that wouldn't even have been diagnosed in Russia. I know, the organizations I am a part of work in other countries to raise awareness about these kids and his disease. She was amazed that he was in such good health (relatively...) given his condition, and how much help we were able to get from KAISER for him. YES, KAISER. My son has one of the rarest diseases you have never heard of- Cystinosis- and KAISER is all over it. They have gotten him into studies at the NIH, Stanford, UCSD, and other private organizations. Yes, you have to be vocal and work (with) the system, but I have nothing but praise and accolades for the doctors and scientists who work with Joe, and the KAISER system on the whole.
Don't complain to dad that we don't have the 180 channel satellite package; Daddy's not in the mood!