I had one of those odd muscle twitches last night- the kind that you can see the skin twitching but when you tense the muscle it goes away. My son was siting next to me and he noticed it first. It was distracting him from cartoons, so he asked me to stop. I tried to explain that I had no control over it, but he didn't like that answer. I did the flex thing for a while, but when I forgot about it it started again. I have a stressfull life and sometimes it (stress) comes to the surface in odd ways. Anyway, it started up again, and since my attempts at controlling it were for naught, he decided to take matters into his own hands. We have a rule: the remote is not to be used as a weapon. He got up, went into the kitchen, and got a flyswatter. He sat down next to me, and a few minutes later, WHACK! WHACK! Not pleasant. I gave a yell and then turned to him and demanded to know what the deal was. He informed me that he was helping me to control the twitch by smacking me, thereby making the muscle tense. That way it wouldn't distract him from what obviously is a significant point in the development of the Plankton character on Sponge Bob. Then, umbelievably, he smacked me in the head with the swatter. I yelped and demanded an explanation.
He informed me that the muscles in my forehead were twitching, and he just wanted to helpme by helping get rid of the twitch.
That won't happen until he moves away to college. Till then, just call me "twitchy"