Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Continual Partial Attention Syndrome

I am concerned. A while back I read about the affliction our kids are suffering from: Continual Partial Attention Syndrome. I was originally concerned because I have two with ADD. Then I spent some time observing the oldest. She can argue with me, do homework, listen to music, and, AND, text on her cell phone WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE PHONE. But so much of all the things she is participating in go over her head-in one ear out the other- (OK, probably only things related to me...) that it is causing problems (again, mostly for my issues with her).

I then paid attention to my own life- specifically my work practice. I suffer from this horrible disease also. Ugh. I tend to be on con calls, doing some email, dealing with paper on my desk, sending and receiving text messages (I am old and need to look at the phone), and listen/deal with family stuff. And I am not feeling particularly successful at any of them. So I am going to make an effort to silo things. Go old school and start to schedule tasks and do one thing at a time. How sad that it has come to this; the nuns were right. I will work on a plan and post it for comment. When I get around to it amongst the many other things I am doing.