Thursday, March 29, 2007

Are you smarter than a Fourth Grader?

I have the distinct pleasure of having TWO at the same time. And so we can get some efficiencies of scale on the homework front. That said, it really does matter who does what with them. Mary rocks for the history and social studies stuff. Not that I am a slouch in that department, but she just absolutely loves those subjects. And since she has such passion for them she does not seem to mind the blank stares- it just gives her an opportunity to repeat herself. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Here is my problem. She gets so excited about things that she then treads into waters that are too deep for her, and where she clearly cannot swim. I'm talking Mathematics and Science. Here is an example: Fractions. This whole subject is lost on her. Converting to decimal, making comparisons, reducing to their simplest form, etc. Not her bag. And don't even get me started on Science.

OK. Here's an example: The oldest is off to the east coast for a school trip over the Easter break. She has to pack her own suitcase. There is a weight limit. For a guy, this is not an obstacle- bring less stuff. For a girl, it is a mountain to be climbed. There is easily 10 lbs of beauty related products. Net of the electrical appliances that MUST go with her.- hair dryers, hair curlers, hair straighteners (WTH?). The wife's solution is to use those bags that you put clothes in and then roll up to get the air out. "This will give her more room and reduce the weight; after all, air is weight" the wife says with glee, with the junior female in the backround nodding in agreement.

Let me repeat that for you in case you didn't catch it: "Air is weight".

Clearly, in the Science arena of her Circus, she is working without a net.