Monday, April 02, 2007

The wife can see!

Mary had Epi Lasic. What an ordeal. It is different from regular Lasic in a couple of gruesome ways. I was able to watch (without retching!) so I will enlighten you.
First they drugged her. She was loopy. Quite alluring, I have to admit; reminded me of...well, never mind. Anyway. Then they clamped her eyes open. Very Clockwork Orange.
Then they have this arm come out and SCRAPE away the cornea. Ugh. I would have been out of the chair at that point, but then again, I can hold my meds.... Then another little machine comes into play; it clamps onto the eyeball and draws out the lens via suction. Literally. Then the laser comes on and sculpts the lens. Mary said she could smell her eyeball burning. We paid good money for this, BTW. Then they put drops and finally, a protective contact lens.

I drove her home after meeting with the doctor again. He stressed taking all the meds for pain, swelling (not a pretty mental image there...think Gene Wilder), and infection.

I have been managing the children for 5 days. I have actually done a pretty good job, but I am bushed from the wake up every 6 hours to medicate the Joester thing. I have to admit that I didn't get him his meds till 7:30 this morning. I had to sleep.

Anyway, they took the lens off today and she has 20/40 vision. She had 20/1000 before. Legally blind. Sort of explains me being in the picture, huh. I was in that semi panic but have to deal mode all weekend because there was a risk of her going But all is well. She is SO happy. She was an incubator baby because she was a twin and they were premies. that's what they did in the 60s, and it messed up her eyes. She has been waiting for years for technology to catch up with the severity of her condition, and as soon as it did she was all over it. I am proud of her.