Monday, April 23, 2007

Lucky me

It is an odd turn of events that cast me as the voice of reason in our household. He who thinks that starting the fire pit with huge fireballs by squirting blasts of lighter fluid onto the ebbing kindling is now the one that two combatants look to for some rational thought. I am, of course, referring to the wife and daughter.

Hell hath no fury like a fourteen year old adolescent who has had her cell phone privileges revoked. I pity the fool who prods the dragon in such a manner. Unless it's the mama dragon. Not that these two are dragons. Just women. Or, woman and “woman lite”. This whole round (think multi round prize fight) is about respect. The little woman wants respect (in the form of undergarments from Victoria's Secret). The other one (notice I did not say older, or bigger, or anything else) wants respect in the form of...well, respect. Why should the little one get Victoria's Secret when the wife gets granny pants from JCPenneys? Which pretty much means that I don't get Victoria's Secret....

But I digress.

This is going to be a long round. Having spent a fair amount of time sparring the last couple years, I can only relate that some three minute rounds can seem like an eternity. That, I think, is how this round is going to play out.

Yay for me.