Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Great things I have yelled!

In the course of everyday life we all say things that sound fine in context, but when reflected upon, don't exactly sound right. I have taken to collecting these statements as a reminder that my children are indeed making me crazy. Take a look:

Don't go outside without your underwear!
You have to wipe ALL the brown off!
STOP! Lift the toilet seat! Let your brother pull his head out!
Put your eyes back the way they are supposed to be RIGHT NOW!
Poo is NOT fingerpaint!
WHY is the dog YELLOW?! WHY?! WHY?!
Please don't put the sand crabs down mommy's bathing suit!
Put down Nana's chain saw!
Put down that chain saw NOW!
Don't pull the legs off the frogs!
The refrigerator is NOT a place to keep bugs!
You CANNOT bring guns to school!
I don't care if you have your helmet on! No riding your motorcycle with a broken arm!
Which one of you has the other half of the lizard?
In the toilet, not ON it!
Great! it's on fire! What's your plan now, Patrick? What's your PLAN?
WHO peed in the trash can AGAIN?!
I do not care what the DMV says, you cannot drive now that your three year probation is over! You are 10!
I do NOT want to smell your fingers!
For the last time- DON'T pull your own teeth; DON'T pull Pat's teeth. PULL NO TEETH!
The next one to shoot something out of his nose EATS IT! (was not a good idea- they all commenced to, well, you know...)
Do not cook tropical fish in my nonstick cookware!
Do you really think he wants that up his nose? Silence! It was a rhetorical question!

Each one of these statements has a great story behind it.

Trust me.