Don't they look happy.
These young women are my daughter and her friends. Those are not real babies- they are animatronic dolls that simulate real babies. They are programmed to cry at specific times for food or to be changed or just to be annoying. Just like real life. This photo was taken at around 6 pm. They are happy because they think that this is a piece of cake. The babies have been sleeping and just had a feeding, so they are cooing and happy. They think this will last.
The rest of the story: It didn't last. They were up all night. every hour or two the babies would wake up and cry. Because they all slept over at our house (genius move by the other moms BTW) they woke each other up taking care of their babies. Sadly for me they also woke ME up. And the wife. WE have been through this. WE have a note that says we are done. We have four and DID NOT enjoy this experience. WE don't even get extra credit for it.
The girls would not let me take an after photo. They were NOT smiling. They went to school in their pajamas. One night of this kicked their little tooshies. They WILL NOT be getting pregnant in the next couple of years. Boyfriends take note- if they do, I will bring the babies to YOUR house. YOU will live this dream FOREVER, not ME. I will make sure of that. But the girls will explain all this to you the next time you get frisky. If not, then we can talk while I clean the shotgun.