Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The cell phone - pool connection

Today is going to be a very good day.

I always take it as a good omen when something happens that could be a disaster but turns out well. Dropping my cell phone into the pool fits into this category nicely.

I was out by the pool talking on the phone (job search networking activities) when helldog started barking. I had locked her out with me because the cleaners were coming and she annoys the heck out of them. When they arrived I knew she would let me know even though I could not hear the doorbell where I was in the yard. When she started barking I ended my call and got up to go get the door. In the process I snagged my foot on one of the chairs, and in my usual graceful way I executed a lovely tumble and recovery that ended up with me standing at the edge of the pool. I did not fall in ( unlike past occurrences) because I had repositioned the sitting area after the first "performance" in anticipation of future mishaps (big feet...). While I didn't go into the drink, the phone somehow was jettisoned into the air. It plopped into the pool, landing on it's end. the downward force drove it under water, and the air trapped inside the case (Palm Treo 700) popped it back into the air like a submarine breeching the surface. I made that futile grasp after it launched toward the pool, so I was hovering over the edge of the pool, at first aghast at my misfortune, and then overjoyed when it popped up and I was able to snatch it from midair before it made it's final dive to Davey Jone's locker. To my amazement the thing still worked. I opened the battery cover and there was only a drop or two of water around the seams! No matter what else happens today, I already have one small victory for which to be thankful.

Yay for me!