Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Friggin' ECS Motherboards!

Twice. Twice! The eMachines computer survived three years with the daughter. Given the record of that particular vendor it was impressive. Then it made a "sad sound" (her term) and passed away. Motherboard- but given she had a printout of the new machine she "had to have" in order to keep her social standing, I am still a bit suspicious. Anyway, so I replaced the MB. The first board survived for oh, 20 minutes until it smoked and passed away. The Fry's guy was understanding, and gave me another. It seems these boards have a "history" at Fry's. I should have dug into the pile; I would have noticed all the Fry's discount labels, which means someone returned it. Anyway the second one worked well. Until now. It too has expired. Turns out the 10 year old, who will remain nameless, had "overclocked" it. Did you know what that was when you were 10? I would have thought I was late getting home for dinner (6PM SHARP! Any day, any season, no excuses). I now have to build a machine for the little guy from scratch. He has a list. A printed out list of items needed from Newegg. Complete with prices. I am beginning to see a pattern here.... possibly a sibling transfer of best practices.....