You don't really appreciate how spacious an aircraft carrier is until you do a Scout overnight on a submarine. Our Pack usually goes to the USS Hornet for an annual live aboard program, but just to mix it up this year we stayed on the USS Pampanito in SF bay. I always suspected that I wouldn't be a good submariner, but now I know. But not for the reason you might think. I didn't even think about drowning or any of that other petty fear stuff. Nope. I just wanted to get some fresh air. It must have sucked serving on a sub. We had modern conveniences, like deodorant and starbucks, and it still sucked.
I did learn a few things:
- Never, EVER sleep near the head. Imagine moving an outhouse into your family room. Then imagine everyone living ONLY in the family room. Nuf said.
- My son SNORES. I mean he REALLY SNORES. Like some sort of dying animal. Disturbing.
- Aircraft carriers are SPACIOUS. REALLY SPACIOUS.
A LOT of people can sleep in a really small space. We had all of us in this one room. Thanks to this trip, I now know I can sleep 35 people in my kitchen. That knowledge alone makes the pending depression less scary.
I can hardly wait to get back to the aircraft carrier.