Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stick it in your ear....

At some point, far in the future, I will look back on this and laugh. I will be old, senile, and in some sort of care facility (or living in a van, down by the river..) The above tools were used to flush out detritus from my son's ear...

He was all smiles and laughter. I think he knew the total number of things he had stuffed into his ear, but he wouldn't say....The grand total was 12. Three little plastic fruit things from the centerpiece on the dining room table, several large pieces of pencil lead (with pencil attached in some cases) and the rest was pencil lead from a mechanical pencil. 12.

I am not sure what the thought process was...

"Hmm. This would fit well in my ear.
This too.
Oops. I better use a pencil to get them out.
That didn't work, and I'm running out of room in there....
I better use a mechanical pencil.
There! All full!"

The doctors and nurses love to see us coming. We are like a comedy team. Always entertaining, and always in ways no one expects. Who needs those contrived reality TV shows. I live in one.

Where the heck are the cameras?