My wife was reading this blog last night. She has “concerns” that people might be getting the wrong idea about our family. Let it be said that we are a real happy lot- we just have a greater than average incidence of “incidents”. I for one prefer it that way. What will the normal families talk about at the dinner table twenty years from now? “remember that time when you boys went with mom to pick up your sister at the gym, and you sat quietly in your seats while mom went in and got her from practice?” Dull dull dull. Our conversation would go “remember the time when you boys went with mom to pick up your sister at the gym and when mom went in to get her you boys worked together to start the van, put it in gear, drove across the parking lot and crashed into a car, doing $6000 worth of damage? And how you both scrambled back into your seats so when mom got to the van and opened the door you could pretend to have no clue?” Much better. I can't wait for the boys to bring girls over for dinner- imagine how that will go....”right where you are sitting, in that very chair, my son, your charming boyfriend, set fire to the kitchen towel. He held it over his head, basking in the glow, right up to the point where he realized that he had a flaming towel over his head, and he had no plan for it”. The girl will probably coo and say “how cute!”. She will have no idea what she will be in for. And we won't tell her. We need to preserve the boy's marketability.
My daughter's boyfriend (we will call him X to protect his identity) actually enjoys coming over to our house. He is an only child, so the activity level of our house is new and exciting to him. He likes the family interaction. Little miss attitude is mortified. Poor girl. It will only get worse. Once the boys really grasp the impact their buffoonery has on her and her “relationships”, you can bet your a** they will crank it up. Yay for her.
Oh, and she wants more about her. What's with women? It's always about them. More press for the princess. A request she may soon regret. “I'll put the investigative reporting team right on it honey”.