Monday, September 11, 2006

High School Football

I served as chaperone for my daughter and her friends as they attended our local high school football team home game. This means I drove them, attended the game, but did not hang with them (except in the food line, where my presence was tolerated because I have money). I don't mind at all. I love football. I can watch any game, any time. It was a nice feeling to sit in the stands full of kids and know that I had no responsibilities except to not be in the same place as them at the same time. I saw a lot of friends from town, and I got to take in a real good game. Our team won, and it was a convincing win. The kind where the kids who usually don't get to play got to play, even when they made mistakes. They still stayed in, because there was no danger of loosing. That's gotta feel good all around.

The daughter was fine. She didn't even watch the game that I could see. For her it was a big social. All her friends were there, and it was cool to see them all having fun and not getting into any trouble. I envy her this time in life. It is probably the most carefree time she will ever have. Her boyfriend is treating her well, she is doing well in school, she has good friends, and she doesn't have to work. OK, she has chores, but I don't see them getting done on a regular basis- so I don't count that.

When I dropped her off I took the time to enjoy a fine cigar in the parking lot. A lot different than High School when we had to sneak off for that, but times have changed- or rather, time has marched on. All in all it feels good to be alive. All for six bucks. Plus snacks.