Thursday, September 07, 2006

That one won't be moving out within the normal timeframe

The big blond twin has found a new skill. He tends to practice it in the evening after everyone has showered and we are all enjoying quiet time watching TV before bed. Quiet time is a relative term for us; I mean quieter than what it usually is around here.

He gets down on all fours like a dog and swings his head back and forth, increasing in speed and intensity until he makes one final great heave, throwing his big round head off to the side and behind him with such force that he actually picks the rest of him off the ground and spins himself in place like some sort of mad dog chasing his tail. He always lands with a crash, because he throws himself with such exuberance that he is just a little bit out of control.

My great big blond Labrador lap kid. He will be lying on the floor at my feet when I am in a home for aged lunatic fathers. If only he could fetch.....