We did a lot of snorkling around Maui. There are some incredible places to go and swim around and look at all the amazing fish. I took to going down to the beach by our condo every morning to go for a swim. I had bought a bunch of snorkel sets so we all could go if we wanted, and for the most part everyone did. The big exception was Pat.
his first time out he was beside himself with glee. He had a blast swimming up to the fish and staring them down- sometimes they would freak, and sometimes they would be facinated by this giant blonde kid. This went on for a long time, until we encountered a really odd looking fish. It looked like it had horns, and the fins it came with didn't look like they could power it very well. Pat zoomed up to it and blasted a bunch of air out of his mask and made his usual goofy face. The fish reacted by puffing up. It exploded to about 10 times it's size, and was all spiney and angry looking. And then IT charged PAT. It was Pat's turn to freak. He jumped up out of the water and climbed onto the only thing around. Me. He was completely on my back, and he was trying to stand up. A surfboard I am not. I tried to get him off, but he was having none of it. He let me know he was done, and he was done right then and there. Paddle in please dad.
I now know why some Orcas at ocean themed parks eat their trainers. It is no fun having someone on your back riding you like a boogie board while you try to swim and not drown.
And no, I will not jump through the hoop.