Friday, January 19, 2007

Prayers for my brother in law

My brother in law is the first of my "peers" to suffer serious heart trouble. He had a quadruple bypass yesterday. It has had a significant effect on my life (though not nearly as much as on his life. Duh) I didn't have any ice cream last night. Don't get me wrong. I WANTED to have ice cream. I could hear it's muffled cries in the freezer. But all I could think of was the operation. They cut open your chest, split and prie apart your ribcage, and stop your heart. Then they work on it, swapping parts from your leg (arteries), splicing them in, and then they restart you. I have a project car in the garage that is undergoing a similar process. I have my doubts that I can restart it again (first time required a total rebuild of the engine). Clearly there are laws that prevent me from doing open heart surgery. If I was allowed, I would have started with the recently expired frog the boys had. Both boys. They each had about half of the frog in their respective pockets, give or take a limb. But that's another story. Anyway, I didn't have the ice cream. I am not on a health kick. I am changing course. I am one who, having learned expensive lessons from my own experiences, am totally willing to learn from the experience of others. I also have been on enough six sigma projects to know that sometimes there is a perfectly good process in place somewhere else, and I don't need to go and invent my own.
I am going back to Body For Life.

I had a lot of success with that approach years ago, but I drifted away. Now is the time to get back on track.