Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I was working on the addition over the weekend, and I was at the point of puting in furniture. I wanted to get the screen in the window before one of the kids decided to jump out- just for fun; that kind of stuff goes on here. I was on the bed leaning over trying to pull the screen into place. I should probably mention that the bed in the upstairs room is on wheels, and I have installed slick laminate floors. So, as I am leaning over and sort of hanging out the window, I felt the bed slide out from under me. I did a slow motion header out the window. I had placed the ladder outside the window because I wanted to scrape some stucco off the window frame, so I placed my hands on the top of the ladder. I sort of rolled over my hands and did a reverse sit up and landed feet first on the ground. It sounds good, but I really hadn't planned any of it. Needless to say, it was a truly spectacular exhibition of gymnastic skill on my part.

When you do one of these sorts of feats, it is customary to do the Nadya Komenich "pop the chest out, fling the hands up, and yell 'TADA!'" move (it's a 70's thing). I was feeling pretty damn smug, so I did the little hop, popped the arms up, and was about to go "TADA!", but was rudely interupted by the ladder, which apparently thought it too deserved some credit. Instead of a triumphant finish, I was squished onto the lawn by the ladder, which had followed my momentum and fallen over onto me.

Fortunately, I still have some time to train for the next Olympics.