Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We have the cold going around.

The whole crew. Except for the wife and I. Yay for us. The school had over 70 kids call in sick, and the have been sending more home all day. Ours were sent home, one at a time. There is nothing like having all the kids home sick. It's peaceful and at the same time, sad. They are just lying around doing nothing. Based on that criteria alone, little miss teen attitude has had a cold for about two years. But she doesn't. Just has an attitude- and she's not afraid to use it.

The littlest one had a tooth pulled this morning. I didn't go because I was working, but when he came back he was like a drunken sailor. They had to knock him out to get it because it was an erupted tooth that came through the palette. Nothing is EVER simple with these kids. Anyway, he wanted to play game cube. He was having a ball and was laughing because he had two of every guy (lego star wars characters). I thought he was just high, because I have never seen the game give a player two of the same character. But lo and behold, he did! The meds enhanced his gameplay. Does not bode well for the future- I can hear it now..."but dad, it enhanced my test taking experience!? Should make for an interesting story for the principal as I walk the kid out to the car for the ride home to serve out his suspension. See what the future holds for me? Lucky me.

And the daughter is watching over my shoulder gently reminding me that I am also lucky to be able to get her a new computer. Because the old one overheated the mother board, because she wouldn't shut it off like I told her a million zillion times.... times infinity. Ugh.