Monday, April 23, 2007

It takes a certain level of self confidence.....

This is Sheila, Hell Dog of Rocklin. She is clearly comfortable sleeping in this position. She is also confident that I will let her sleep in this position. Because I am not in bed. See, the wife loves animals, so she lets them sleep with her. This means they also sleep with me, because I will be damed if I will sleep anywhere else (and the wife would not dream of kicking the dog out of bed "it would be cruel- she is so helpless...") while some little rat takes all the covers.
The dog has tried this position while I am in the bed. It doesn't fly with me. I push her to the edge of the bed under the covers slowly, and then I eeeeaaaaasssseee her ever so gently over the edge and PLUNK! she hits the floor, where she belongs. She doesn't stay there though; she is a Jack Russell Terrier. She can jump over the fence in the yard, so jumping back into bed is no problem. She learns quickly, but she tests the limits all the time. Sounds familiar.

Anyway, while I am working, and the rest of the brood is off at school, she lies on the bed and sleeps. She snores. She also dreams. I know this because she will start barking and running in place ( really funny when she is in the position above). She always has a confused look on her face when she wakes up from a dream- I guess reality looks the same to her. Not to me.

In my dreams there are no dogs in my bed.

Pretty sad when you think about it.

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