Friday, April 04, 2008

How would you like to have these accomplishments?

There was a professional basketball player who had these stats, but still considered himself a success:

MISSED over nine thousand shots
LOST over three hundred games
Missed twenty six shots designed for him during the last seconds of a game, loosing those games

Was this guy a success?! You be the judge.

His name is Michael Jordan

I mention this because my Minors team had a great game yesterday, and yet they lost. I felt so bad for them; some of them made great plays- great catches, great throws, big hits, awesome steals, clutch pitches. One of my sons made a base clearing sacrifice triple (the look on his face broke my heart) and the other pitched a tough inning from one of those fake pitcher's mounds and still was proud of himself. It was all I could do to not run out and hug him (SO not cool, dad!)

The other team had one of those freak 6 run innings and that gave them the win 8-5. Props to them for the rally. It sucked that it happened in our game, but every kid deserves to be part of one of those. Our time will come.

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